Product Line


  • *ACTIVATE 80: Raw Humates. 3 different grinds.
  • *JENNER 8: A 3% Humic Acid Extract with 2% Fuivic Acids, (California does not recognize fulvic acid, this product is registered in CA as a 3% humic acid).
  • *JENNER 8 PLUS: A .50% humic acid with .06% crustacean meal.
  • *INTEGRATE: A Fuivic acid extract (2%). (California does not recognize fuivic acid, this product is registered in CA as .67% organic matter derived from leonardite).
  • *INTEGRATE PLUS BC02 & BC03: BC 02 is Bacillus Pumilus 1.5x10 CFU. BC 03 is Bacillus Subtilis 1.5x10 CFU. Used for nutritional mineralization.
  • *ORGANIC NITRO-JEN 6.25-0-0: An Organic Nitrogen source (non-fish based) that can be run through a drip system.
  • *STIMULATE ORGANIC N 3.25-0-0: Organic foliar nitrogen derived from Plant proteins and Fuivic acid
  • STIMULATE ALL PURPOSE 5-10-4: A blend of Organic Acids, Kelp, and Plant Proteins blended with Organic and Conventional Fertilizers.
  • STIMULATE 12-0-0 + 1.5% Zinc + 1% calcium and trace elements. A foliar feed.
  • STIMULATE 6-14-4 + sulfur, zinc, iron, manganese, magnesium. A foliar feed.
  • *CATALYST CITRIC ACID 25%: May be used as a chelating agent.
  • 'KELP / SEAWEED: A source of seaweed blended with Integrate.
  • *THERM X 70: A Yucca extract
  • *INSECTS: Beneficial insects.
  • *(4-13-0) GRANULATED STEAMED FISH BONE MEAL: One of the highest forms of organic P205.

*indicates products for organic use


  • ACTIVATE 80: A Leonardite shale which is a natural occurring source of Humic and Fulvic substances with trace minerals. This product is used alone or blended with other dry fertilizers and composts to enhance them. Humic substances have been shown to be the most important component to a healthy fertile soil. 70% plus humic / fulvic acids (in some states it will only test 40% to 45% humic, they do not recognize fulvic acid). CDFA CERTIFIED ORGANIC.
  • JENNER 8: This liquid humic / fulvic substance may be one of the most compatible and user friendly products on the market. 3% humic, 2% fulvic acid (in some states its a 9% humic acid. California does not recognize fulvic acid. CDFA CERTIFIED ORGANIC.
  • JENNER 8 PLUS: This is a proprietary blend of humic/fulvic acids, crab and/or shrimp shells. CDFA CERTIFIED ORGANIC
  • INTEGRATE: A liquid fulvic acid extract (or in some states organic matter) derived from an exclusive seam of Leonardite shale which is a natural source of humic/fulvic substance and trace elements. In Calfornia they do not recognize fulvic acid, so the product is registered as a .06% organic matter. OMRI listed. CDFA CERTIFIED ORGANIC.
  • INTEGRATE PLUS BC 02 & BC 03: 2 separate strains of Bascillus used for soil mineralization of nutrients
  • ORGANIC NITRO-JEN 6.25-0-0: This non-fish fertilizer is derived from humic acid and plant proteins. This product is designed to be applied to the soil as a supplement to compost and/or chicken pellets. CDFA CERTIFIED ORGANIC.
  • STIMULATE ORGANIC N 3.25-0-0: This product contains 1.65% amoniacal nitrogen but has no Nitrate nitrogen that will burn. It is complexed with Fulvic acid to enhance uptake and control ph. This may be one of the first true organic foliars for nitrogen on the market. CDFA CERTIFIED ORGANIC.
  • STIMULATE ALL PURPOSE 5-10-4 PLUS TRACE MINERALS: This product is derived from Seaweed, Plant Proteins (17 amino acids), Fulvic Acid, Organic Trace Minerals, and Conventional Fertilizers. This product may be the most complete package of Nutrients and Mirco-Nutrients on the market. This is extremely good for Hydroponic growing
  • STIMULATE 12-0-0: Also contains 1.5% Zinc + 1% Calcium + .12% Iron + .30%
    Sulfur + .03% Manganese + .03% Magnesium. Also contains Fulvic acid.
  • STIMULATE 6-14-4: Also contains.30% Sulfur + .12% Zinc + .30% Iron + .03%
    Manganese + .03% Magnesium. A humic / fulvic acid extract for use as a major nutrient foliar feed.
  • CATALYST CITRIC ACID: A 25 % volume by weight solution that is fortified with fulvic acid, Some crops may be sensitive to citric acid, thus we fortify it with fulvic acid, in order to help with any problems due to an acidic pH. pH of this product is acidic. This product meets the USDA's NOP guidelines for organic use.
  • "KELP", ASCOPHYLLUM NODOSUM: Seaweed enhanced by the addition of Integrate. See Integrate description. CDFA CERTIFIED ORGANIC.
  • THERM X 70: A concentrated plant extract containing steroid saponin. This natural compound is found in certain desert plants like Yucca. Steroid saponin helps these plants overcome the adverse growing conditions of the desert and other growing regions. When placed in the root zone, Therm × 70 helps crop plants in much the same manner. This product also helps as a sticker spreader. OMRI LISTED. CDFA CERTIFIED ORGANIC. Manufactured by American Extracts
  • (4-13-0) GRANULATED FISH BONE MEAL: One of the highest forms of organic P205 on the market. P205 is the most available form of Phosphate. CDFA CERTIFIED ORGANIC.

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